Dream Quest One

First Poetry Prize Winner – WINTER 2017 – 2018



of Heidelberg, Germany



Has anyone seen the world today?

Behind the facade of smoke and mirrors,

Techni-colored with hopes and dreams

boxed within a plastic and glass case,

motivated by electrical impulses


Virtual reality mistaken for one’s inner imagination

We leave our hearts rotting at the core of an Apple,

with android jelly beans, oreos, and nougats

of junk food for the soul


Down the avenue, right past the boy and girl,

who may have been your best friends forever

If only you took the nanosecond to look,

into the eyes of a complete stranger

Who probably loves your more

than your sister or brother


Has anyone seen the world today?

riding in the latest exotic electric/gas hybrid SUV,

that can literally drive and park itself

out front of Starbucks

“Clearly she was distracted,” the investigator said,

about the way her life ended,

with a crash-bang-smash-up!

filmed live on Instagram


I wonder how many millions will mourn you,

With memes, tweets, posts, and comments,

on how beautiful her hair looks, make-up and all,

breasts, butt, and gaping thighs atop a decapitated crown?

Just google it.

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About the poet:

Sebastian Reitter resides in Germany with his Border Collie, Roscoe, and two rambunctious ferrets named Mike and Molly. He enjoys being outdoors, hiking, fishing, and writing.